Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, Faridi Faridi, Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Nur Melizza, Siska Sufianti Safitri Analysis of religious coping relationships with family resilience in utilizing socio-economic resources during the COVID-19 pandemic
Faiqa Himma Emalia, Yati Afiyanti, Imami Nur Rachmawati Couple-based interventions for secondary and tertiary prevention of intimate partner violence: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Yasinta Betan, Benedikta Jenau, Herliana Monika Azi Djogo, Helmi Rumbo Effect of breathing relaxation on stress related to COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in nursing homes: A pre-experimental study
Dian Thiofanny Sopacua, Citra Windani Mambang Sari, Habsyah Saparidah Agustina, Damar Irza, Laili Rahayuwati Factors related to sexual behavior among adolescents
Dya Sustrami, AV Sri Suhardiningsih, Anggi Setyowati, Nelsensius Klau Fauk, Hidayat Arifin Family caregiver burden in schizophrenia: A structural equation model of caregiver, patient, environmental, and family function factors
Suryani Suryani, Nurul Hidayah, Titin Sutini, Lilibeth Al-Kofahy The Indonesian Survivors’ Perspective about Recovery from Schizophrenia: An Exploratory Study
Endah Sarwendah Sarwendah, Suryani Suryani, Efri Widianti Life Experiences of Borderline Personality Disorder Survivors in the Recovery Process: A Phenomenology Study
Annette d'Arqom, Farhan Nurdiansyah, Danti Nur Indiastuti, Mhd Zamal Nasution, Nurmawati Fatimah, Sri Purwaningsih, Yuani Setiawati, Kusuma Eko Purwantari Mental health and decision-making participation of adolescent orphans: A pilot study
Inggriane Puspita Dewi, Hartiah Haroen, Hanna Rizmadewi Agustina, Tuti Pahria, Shella Febrita Putri Utomo, Popy Siti Aisyah, Icih Susanti Mindfulness-Based Asmaul Husna and changes in general adaptive function response among schizophrenia: A Quasi-experimental study
Fitria Endah Janitra, Erna Melastuti, Ah Yusuf, Harif Fadhilah, Yan Adi Wibawa Perceived Stigma, Psychological Response, and Nurse Coping In The Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia
Mira Wahyu Kusumawati, Heni Dwi Windarwati, Setyawati Soeharti The Prior-to-isolation Psychosocial Experiences of COVID-19 Diagnosed Patients: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
Ninik Yunitri, Christina Yeni Kustanti, Fauzi Ashra, Slametiningsih Slametiningsih, Nuraenah Nuraenah, Rani Septiawantari, Nurlia Ikaningtyas Psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder applied for people in indonesia: A scoping review
Heni Aguspita Dewi, Suryani Suryani, Aat Sriati The relationship between cyberbullying and the risk of suicidal ideation in adolescents
Indah Mentari Siagian, Suryani Suryani, Titin Sutini The Lived Experiences of Adolescents Living with a Schizophrenic Mother
Rozali Arsyad Kurniawan, Suryani Suryani, Taty Hernawaty, Lilibeth Al-Kofahy The Structure, Process, and Outcome of Mentorship on Survivor with Schizophrenia: A Case Study