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Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran

Pengaruh Field Massage sebagai Terapi Adjuvan terhadap Kadar Bilirubin Serum Bayi Hiperbilirubinemia

December 29, 2017


Hiperbilirubinemia merupakan komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada masa neonatal. Terapi modalitas dibutuhkan karena fototerapi sebagai prosedur penatalaksanaan hiperbilirubinemia di rumah sakit berpotensi menimbulkan efek samping. Field massage sebagai terapi adjuvan, diduga dapat meningkatkan ekskresi bilirubin selama bayi mendapat fototerapi. Namun, penelitian field massage sebelumnya baru melaporkan penurunan kadar bilirubin diduga seiring meningkatnya frekuensi buang air besar sebagai efek massage. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh field massage sebagai adjuvan terhadap kadar bilirubin serum bayi hiperbilirubinemia yang menjalani fototerapi. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan non equivalen pre test-post test design with control group.Sampel diambil secara consecutive terbagi menjadi kelompok intervensi (16 responden) dan kelompok kontrol (16 responden). Data dianalisis menggunakan Dependen T-Test, Independen T-Test, dan Analysis of Covarians. Hasil menunjukkan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum setelah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi (8,09+1,21) sedangkan kelompok kontrol (10,05+2,17). Penurunan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum kelompok intervensi (7,20+1,59), sedangkan kelompok kontrol (4,64+1,25), antara kedua kelompok terdapat perbedaan penurunan yang bermakna (p=0,001). Kontribusi variabel confounding tidak berpengaruh terhadap penurunan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum, setelah dikontrol variabel confounding pada kelompok intervensi memiliki nilai bersih (7,23+0,37), kelompok kontrol memiliki nilai bersih (4,61+0,37). Kesimpulan didapatkan field massage sebagai terapi adjuvan dapat menurunkan kadar bilirubin serum secara efektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Field massage bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif intervensi keperawatan yang dapat digunakan dalam penatalaksanaan bayi hiperbilirubinemia di rumah sakit.Kata kunci: Field massage, fototerapi, hiperbilirubinemia, neonatal. Effect of Field Massage as Adjuvant Therapy on Serum Bilirubin Levels Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaAbstract Hyperbilirubinemia is the common complication that occurs in neonatal period. Therapeutic modality is needed since phototherapy as a standard procedure for hiperbilirubinemia in hospital is often give side effects. Field massage is an adjuvant therapy might increases the excretion of infant bilirubin serum in procedure of phototherapy. However, previous research used field massage noticed that decreased levels of bilirubin allegedly increased with the frequency of defecation as massage effect. The purpose of this study was to determine effect of field massage as adjuvant to level of bilirubin serum in neonatal with phototherapy.The research design used quasi experiments with non equivalent pre test-post test design. The sample was recruited by consecutive sampling of 16 respondents in intervention group and 16 respondents in control group. Data were analyzed by using Dependent T-Test, Independent T-Test, and Analysis Covarians. Results showed that the mean serum bilirubin level after intervention in intervention group showed (8.09+1.21), while the control group were about 10.05+2.17. Decreasing mean serum bilirubin level in the intervention group (7.20+1.59) and the control group (4.64+1.25), between two groups showed that there had significant decrease (p=0.001). Contribution of confounding variables did not affect to the decreased mean serum bilirubin level, whereas after controlled confounding variables in the intervention group showed had net value (7.23+0.37), and for the control group (4.61+0.37). It can be concluded that field massage is effective and useful in decreasing bilirubin serum levels. Results of this study can be used as one of alternative nursing interventions in managing neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in hospitals.Keywords: Field massage, hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal, phototherapy.

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