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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran

The Effect of Earmuff and Earplug Use on Preterm Infants Towards Oxygen Saturation and Pulse

November 20, 2021


Background: A bright circumstance, cold temperatures with loud noise andmany activities around can influence oxygen saturation and pulse in pretermbaby.Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effect of using earmuffs andearplugs on the physiological response of preterm infants.Methods: This crossover study involved 15 medically stable preterm infantstreated in a closed incubator. It used the consecutive sampling techniquewhere the babies’ physiological response using Neonatal Pulse Oximetri wasobserved for 30 seconds every 15 minutes for two hours of using earmuffsand earplugs.Results: The result of repeated ANOVA analysis showed that there is nosignifcant difference of pulse repetition frequency before, during, and afterusing the earmuff and earplug to preterm infants. Meanwhile, statistically,there was a difference in the mean of oxygen saturation during and afterusing the earmuff with p = 0.019.Conclusion: The use of ear protection (earmuff and earplug) could assistand support premature infants in maintaining physiological condition.Earplugs are considered better than earmuffs for maintaining a preterminfant’s physiological condition.

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