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Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran

Perbandingan Oral Care Menggunakan Povidone Iodine 1% dengan Chlorhexidine 0.2% terhadap Jumlah Bakteri di Mulut pada Pasien Penurunan Kesadaran

  • Ni Luh Widani
  • Yusron Nasution
May 11, 2016


Oral care klien penurunan tingkat kesadaran tidak boleh diabaikan dan membutuhkan antiseptik oral yang mempunyai sifat antibakteri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol, pre dan post test untuk mengidentifikasi perbandingkan povidone iodine 1% dengan chlorhexidine 0.2% terhadap jumlah koloni bakteri di mulut klien penurunan kesadaran. Hasil penelitian pada 30 responden yang diambil secara consecutive sampling dibagi tiga kelompok. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan penurunan jumlah koloni bakteri sebelum dan setelah oral care pada povidone iodine (p=0.007), chlorhexidine (p=0.001) dan air (p=0.001). Perbandingan selisih jumlah bakteri antara povidone iodine 1%, chlorhexidine 0.2% dan kontrol tidak signifikan (p=0,343). Disimpulkan chlorhexidine 0.2% , povidone iodine 1% dan air minum masing-masing mempunyai kemampuan yang signifikan menurunkan koloni bakteri dan dapat digunakan sebagai pembilas oral care. Disarankan secara ekonomis air minum digunakan dalam oral care apabila klien penurunan kesadaran tidak mengalami infeksi mulut, dan chlorhexidine 0.2% atau povidone iodine 1% digunakan bila ada infeksi mulut.Kata kunci: Chlorhexidine 0.2%, koloni bakteri mulut, oral care, penurunan kesadaran, povidone iodine 1%. The Comparison of Oral Care Using Povidone-iodine 1% and Chlorhexidine 0.2% to the Amount of Bacteria on the Patients with Altered State of ConsciousnessAbstractThe oral care of unconscious patients should not be ignored and requires oral antiseptics that have antibacterial properties. This research was a quasi-experimental design with control groups, using pre-post test design. The study was aimed to compare the amount of bacteria colonies after oral care using povidone iodine 1% and chlorhexidine 0.2% on the patients with altered state of consciousness. Using consecutive sampling technique, 30 eligible respondents were divided into three groups. The results of this study identified that there was a significant decreased of the amount of bacteria colonies after oral care using povidone iodine (p= 0.007), chlorhexidine (p=0.001) and water oral care (p=0.001). The difference of the number of colonies for oral care using povidone iodine 1%, chlorhexidine 0.2%, and the control group was not significant (p=0.343). It can be concluded that each of oral care using chlorhexidine0.2%, povidone iodine 1% and water has a significant ability to reduce colonies of bacteria and can be used as an oral care. For economic reason, it was advised to use water for oral care if clients do not experience oral infections, and to use chlorhexidine 0.2% or povidone iodine 1% when there is infection of the mouth.Key words: Chlorhexidine 0.2% , oral care, oral bacteria colonies, povidone iodine 1%, unconsciousness.

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