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Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran

Perbedaan Efek Kompres Selimut Basah dan Cold-pack terhadap Suhu Tubuh Pasien Cedera Kepala di Neurosurgical Critical Care Unit

  • Sri Hartati Pratiwi
  • Helwiyah Ropi
  • Ria Sitorus
May 11, 2016


Peningkatan suhu tubuh pada pasien cedera kepala bisa menyebabkan peningkatan metabolisme yang dapat memperburuk kondisi pasien, meningkatkan lama hari rawat dan menambah resiko kematian. Metode pendinginan yang sering digunakan adalah kompres selimut basah dan cold-pack. Namun belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan efek kedua metoda tersebut terhadap suhu tubuh pasien cedera kepala. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan perbandingan tidak berpasangan. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 24 orang responden. Penelitian ini memberikan hasil tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara penurunan suhu tubuh setelah kompres selimut basah dan setelah kompres cold-pack (p=0,371). Oleh karena itu, kompres cold-pack dapat dijadikan alternatif kompres selimut basah yang biasa digunakan.Kata kunci : Cold-pack, cedera kepala, selimut basah, suhu tubuh. Wet Blanket and Cold-pack Application to Reduce Body Temperature among Patients with Head Injury in Neurosurgical Critical Care UnitAbstractThe elevation of body temperature among patients with head injury may lead to increase total metabolism of the body. Such situation may worsen the patient condition, prolonged length of stay and increase risk of death. Cooling methods using wet blanket and cold-pack have been commonly adopted to reduce the body heat. However no empirical studies have proved these methods are effective to reduce high temperature of patients with head injury. This non-paired comparative study seeks to examine the difference of those two methods towards body temperature involving 24 patients with head injury that recruited using consecutive sampling technique. Results indicated that there is no significant difference of the temperature decrease after wet blanket and cold-pack application (p= 0,371). However, cold-pack still can be used as an alternative compress beside wet blanket application.Key words: Cold-pack, head injury, body temperature, wet blanket.

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