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Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran

Supervisi Perawat Primer Perawat Associate dalam Melakukan Tindakan Keperawatan

  • Lilis Rohayani
  • Nestri Banuwati
January 11, 2016


Pelaksanaan supervisi kepada perawat associate pada umumnya masih bersifat pengawasan, belum terjadwal dengan optimal, belum terstruktur dan belum terdokumentasikan dengan baik. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan tindakan keperawatan pada perawat associate belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah dibuat oleh perawat primer. Sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan supervisi perawat primer dalam meningkatkan tindakan keperawatan perawat associate di RSUD Sumedang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan sampel sebanyak 83 perawat associate di ruang MPKP Dewasa RSUD Sumedang. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa supervisi perawat primer hampir setengah responden baik sebanyak 48,2%. Pelaksanaan Tindakan Keperawatan perawat associate sebagian besar responden baik sebanyak 63,9%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara supervisi perawat primer meningkatkan tindakan keperawatan perawat associate di Ruang MPKP Dewasa RSUD Sumedang. P-value =0,223. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan fungsi supervisi perawat primer untuk mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan MPKP.Kata kunci: Perawat associate, perawat primer, supervisi, tindakan keperawatan.Primary Nurses Supervision on Nursing Inervention by Associate NursesAbstractThe Implementation of supervision to nurse associate is mostly monitoring, has not been optimally scheduled, was not structured and give good feedback yet. The evaluation result of the implementation of nursing action on  associate nurse, not fully in accordance with the plans that have been made by the primary nurse. . The Researchers interested to know whether there is a relationship of primary nurse supervision in improving the actions of nursing associate nurses in hospitals Sumedang. The research design used a descriptive correctional with cross-sectional approach. As a sample, 83 nurses associate at adult MPKP room has been chosen. The research shows that almost a half  of associate nurse (48,2%) have a good perception about implementation of primary nurse supervision. Mostly of associate nurse (63,9%) have a good nursing implementation. The research showed that there is no significant relation between perception of associate nurse about primary nurse supervision with implementation of nursing intervention at adult MPKP room of RSUD Sumedang (p-value=0,223). It is suggested could improve supervision of primary nurse in order to optimize the implementation of MPKP.Key words: Associate nurse, nursing implementation, primary nurse, supervision.

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